Marie Schreiber

Bio: I was probably about 12 when I started photographing – with a Brownie. When I began working, I joined a camera club in NYC. As a Kindergarten teacher I used photography in the classroom for Language Development. I had my own darkroom, printing B&W images taken with a point and shoot. As a camera club member, my interests expanded and I moved up to an SLR. Through the years, I’ve taken workshops in various parts of the US giving me opportunities to learn and travel. And now after retiring and moving to Nevada, photography has become a big part of my life. It’s a good day when I can get out to photograph even if it’s in my own back yard!
Favorite Gear: I use a Nikon D500 and my current favorite lens is a Tamron 18-400.
Types of Photography: I started out looking for patterns and objects to photograph closeup. Now, I’ve added scenics – whether they be landscapes or cityscapes. I also like to look for reflections in windows.
RPC Role: President, Secretary/Treasurer
Photographic Affiliations: RPC and Photographic Society of America (PSA)