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2023 RPC Projected Image Competition Rules

1. All entries are due at the prior regular meeting each month.

2. There are currently two categories: COLOR and NATURE.

3. In each category there are two divisions A and AA based on competition member's level

4. Submission limit is two images for each category in one's level.

5. Submit digital versions on day of entry as jpg files named using this format: 

                   <C/N><A/AA>-<LastName>,<Initial> - Title.jpg 

                             (where "LastName" is the first 4 characters of Member's Last Name)

                 Example: CAA-Smit,J - My Favorite Photo.jpg

                         This photo from John Smith indicates the color image belongs in division AA.  

    Keeping to the standard minimizes confusion and helps the chair handle member's photos efficiently.

6. Submit your digital files as attachments via email. (See Members Only area of site for email address to use.)

    The image can be up to 1920px wide and up to 1080px high. Image must be 1.5 MegaByte or less and it is

    recommended that that submitted images be at least 400kB in size.  Competition images must be sent

    no later than the day after the previous meeting.  In addition to the meeting competition, the images are

    used for posting on the website and in newsletter.

7. If a member, for a good reason, misses entering into a competition, the Make-up Rule may apply. 

8. All of the content of a submitted image must be the product of the individual photographer submitting the 



Special Projected Competitions

     1. May's Projected Images Color competition is devoted to "anything goes" Creative submissions.

         Let your imagination go wild!  Submission format remains the same.

         Submissions are due at the April meeting date.

     2. September's Projected Images Nature competition is devoted to Wildflowers.

         Submission format remains the same.

         Submissions are due at the June meeting date.

     3. October's Projected Images Color and Projected Images Nature competitions must be Nevada subjects. 

         Submission format remains the same.

         Submissions are due at the September meeting date.

See category descriptions below for more details on the special categories.

SUBMIT ON TIME - in order to be included in the competition.


COLOR Category Rules & Recommendations

This is the broadest competition category. 

  • Landscapes, night photography, still life, portraits, photo-journalism and creative style submissions (to name a few) may all be submitted.  Even monochrome or wildlife can be entered here.  

  • Dodging, burning, and vignetting are allowed

  • Cropping is allowed, and elements may be added and/or deleted from the submitted image.

  • A story-telling element is encouraged for a Color image (but is not critical like in the NATURE category).

  • Very creative elements such as compositing and applying filters are allowed -- but note that some judges are challenged to judge these against more traditional COLOR entries; RPC holds one COLOR competition a year that focusses on the CREATIVE sub-category of COLOR (see below).

  • Photos of art: photos where the sole subject is someone else's artwork are not allowed; an artwork that is part of a landscape or a part of the story told by your photograph is OK.

  • Refer to PSA Division Definition Summary, rules for Projected Image Division, for additional detail.  Note that RPC's COLOR category allows monochrome images in this category (a departure from PSA guidance).

NATURE Category Rules & Recommendations

  • A good nature photo tells a story (e.g. more than a sharp capture of a bird on a branch);

  • Photos in this category should not show the "hand of man" - e.g. dwellings, telephone poles, roads, etc. A noted exception is where the human element is an integral part of the nature story - barn owl in a barn.

  • Subjects for the category are typically living creatures (animals, birds, bugs) but may also include flowers and natural landscapes.

  • Dodging and Burning may be performed on areas of the photo, but no pixels may be added, removed, or replaced; for example you may not remove a tree branch or clone out an unsightly object; it is OK to remove elements added by the camera such as dust spots.

  • Cropping is allowed.

  • Vignetting is not allowed.

  • HDR and focus-stacking techniques are permitted.

  • Title should be specific and use precise name of animal or bird; take care title does not suggest human emotions or traits in the animal subjects; title should help the view understand the nature story told by the photo.

  • Refer to PSA Division Definition Summary, rules for Nature Division, for additional detail.


COLOR-CREATIVE Rules & Recommendations

  • The general rules for COLOR apply

  • In addition, at least one creative element must be incorporated into, such as

    • Compositing - all elements of the final work must be the photographer's own images; when compositing multiple elements - pay attention to the shadows & lighting so the work appears unified

    • Applying filters or selective blurring or color/tone modification

COLOR-NEVADA Rules & Recommendations

  • The general rules for COLOR apply

  • Photo should include recognizable objects or themes associated with the state of Nevada.  Example ideas: landmarks such as the Reno Arch, mining equipment, ghost towns, casino skylines, gambling and cowboy images, local event images such as Hot August Nights or the Great Balloon Race.

NATURE-NEVADA Rules & Recommendations

  • The general rules for NATURE apply

  • Photo should include wildlife or a natural element that is typically associated with the state of Nevada

  • Title on photo can be used to strengthen or emphasize the association with Nevada


NATURE-WILDFLOWERS Rules & Recommendations

  • Photos should be of the wildflowers in their native setting.

  • Photos of plants that are the product of plant breeding are not acceptable.

The Make-up Rule

A member, who for good reason, is unable to enter a monthly competition, thereby losing the opportunity to accumulate points that month, may be allowed to make up that competition.  In order to qualify, a member must have been faced with a sudden or unavoidable absence, such as a family problem or weather conditions or to have missed the competition due to an honest error.  This rule is not to be used in a casual way if entries could have been turned in or have been given to another member to turn in.

The division chair will determine if the criteria have been met.  If so, that member will be allowed to turn in four entries rather than the usual two, provided the month of missed competition or of make-up is not one with a special subject.  A member is limited to one time per year use of the make-up rule.

Makeup Rule

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